Questo blog nasce per raccontare come ogni giorno vivo la gioia di servire il mio Padrone, di appartenere a Colui che mi aiuta a crescere nel mio percorso di schiavitù.
Io sono saskewatch e appartengo a Master Woland da circa un anno e mezzo, la nostra è una relazione TPE (Total Power Exchange), IE (Internal Enslavement) o 24/7, in cui Lui ha il controllo totale su di me.
Apro questo blog allo scopo di condivere le gioie e i dolori di questo tipo di relazione, il percorso di crescita ma anche per condividere trucchi e consigli su come migliorare il servizio, inteso come gestione della casa, cucina, accoglienza degli ospiti e altro ancora.
saskewatch {W}
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Allow me the strength to answer questions I can't fathom.
Allow me the spirit to know His needs.
Allow me the kindness to choke back retorts.
Allow me the serentity to serve Him in peace.
Allow me the love to show Him myself.
Allow me the tenderness to comfort Him.
Allow me the light to show us the way.
Allow me the wisdom to be an asset to Him.
Let me be able to show Him each day my love of my service to Him.
Let me open myself up to completely belong to Him.
Let my eyes show Him the same respect, rather I sit at His side, or kneel at His feet.
Let me accept my punishment with the grace.
Let me learn to please Him, beyond myself.
Grant me the power to give myself to Him completely.
Grant me the strength to please U/us both.
Permit me to love myself in loving Him.
Allow me the peace of serving Him.
For it is my greatest wish,
my highest power to make His life complete,
as He makes mine
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